World Owl Trust News

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The World Owl Trust

Our conservation programmes protect populations of endangered owls until their habitat has been restored.

The Eagle Owl in Britain: Native or Alien

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Eagle Owl Risk Assessment Response

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Barn Owls of South West Cumbria 2014

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Recent Comments
Guest — Barbara Hunt
Since we moved from Cornwall to Cumbria we have had only two memorable sitings of a Barn Owl, flying over farmland near Meathop. ... Read More
Saturday, 05 May 2018 20:02
Guest — Guess Who
Very interesting thanks!
Thursday, 28 February 2019 16:33
  4617 Hits   2 Comments

Barn Owls of South West Cumbria 2012

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Barn Owls of South West Cumbria 2009

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Barn Owls of South West Cumbria 2015

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Barn Owls of South West Cumbria 2013

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Barn Owls of South West Cumbria 2011

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Barn Owls of South West Cumbria 2003-2008

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Working Worldwide

The World Owl Trust also works on owl conservation on a global scale as well as in the UK, and we have members and representatives in many countries around the world. Our conservation programmes protect populations of endangered owls until their habitat has been restored. This has already been achieved for the European Eagle Owl and British Barn Ow...
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Poor breeding years for barn owls

The World Owl Trust started Life as the British Owl Breeding and Release Scheme and even though the name has changed, the ethos has altered very little. We are still heavily involved in British Owl Conservation. Collecting Yearly Data from around 60 pairs of Barn Owls in Cumbria as well as the other 4 species of Native Owls and the European Eagle O...
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Develop a GCSE in Natural History

Re-engagement with Britain's natural history has never been more urgent. Young people need the skills to name, observe, monitor and record wildlife. It is vital to understand the contribution nature makes to our lives physically, culturally, emotionally and scientifically both in the past and today Britain's reputation for recording its natural his...
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Sponsored walk of the Icknield Way

Kevan Palmer WOT trustee writes about his planned sponsored walk for the Trust. On the 1st July this year I will begin a personal journey that I have wanted to undertake for a long time. That is to walk the 110 miles of the Britain's oldest path – the Icknield Way. The path has origins that can be traced back at least to the Neolithic where it was ...
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